In what ways can we help you?
I can help with many problems ranging from sleep deprivation, anxieties, lack of confidence and motivation through to weight issues and phobias.
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Reducing anxiety can help overcome the causes of many issues
Clinical hypnotherapy can help by addressing underlying anxiety, improve the quality of your sleep and help you to attain a fuller, happier life.
Below are a variety of conditions that can be helped by this process, but if you have a condition that is not included, please feel free to contact us, as it’s more than likely that we will be able to help.
We give an initial consultation, accompanied by a free hypnotherapy CD, but if you don’t want to continue there is simply no obligation. So you’ve got nothing to lose!!
Always consult your doctor before having any complementary therapy, including hypnotherapy.
Results May Vary
Remember that to make a change, you need to be personally committed and determined to make a positive difference to your life!

What is anxiety?
Anxiety can be described as a general state of unease and it can range from intermittent periods of worry about certain events in one’s life (e.g. exams, public presentations) to extreme worrying about almost anything and this sometimes results in panic attacks.
As a result, anxiety can make it difficult for you to relax, impacting on your emotional and physical state of well-being. This can result in you experiencing emotional problems such as: poor concentration, difficulty sleeping, feeling irritable emotional, and sometimes overwhelmed; obsessive thoughts and behaviour and physical problems such as tiredness and headaches, nausea and high blood pressure.
How can hypnotherapy help with anxiety?
We can experience anxiety to a larger or lesser extent as a result of the many pressures of our modern day lives: whether we’re faced with financial problems, stress in the workplace or family relationship issues, this can lead us to think negatively which only increases our anxiety.
SF Hypnotherapy successfully combines psychotherapy and hypnosis based on modern research and helps you to look at and work towards the life you would like. At the same time, we refrain from looking at and talking about problems and help you find positive solutions to move you forward. Helping you to think and act positively, reduces anxiety and enables you to cope much better with life’s pressures.

What is stress?
Experienced by most of us at some point, stress manifests itself in numerous ways, from struggling to concentrate and make normal decisions, worrying and thinking negative thoughts to feeling irritable, tearful, overly sensitive and frustrated. Physical symptoms can range from regular colds and infections, muscle tension, allergies, a gain or loss in weight and palpitations/feeling dizzy. All these symptoms are a result of struggling to cope with the many demands and challenges we are sometimes faced with in our lives. ​​
How can hypnotherapy help?
Although it is not always easy to remove the demands and the pressures they generate, hypnotherapy can help you cope with them so much better. Recognising the fact that it is not usually the situation or problem that causes stress but our responses to it, we can help you visualise a positive way forward which the subconscious works with and this provides a basis from which to work from. By reducing stress through helping you to adopt a calmer, more relaxed approach to your situation, many of the above symptoms can be helped.

What is motivation?
You might desire to lose weight or go for a promotion in the workplace but lack the drive to achieve a set goal. Motivation will help you take the necessary action towards achieving the goal. Lacking motivation can lead to poor self-esteem and frustration and can make the goal seem increasingly unobtainable.​
How can hypnotherapy help?
Hypnotherapy can help to motivate you by helping you to identify your underlying reasons for wanting to achieve your goal – what are the benefits, what’s in it for you? Then, by using Solution Focused techniques we help you to take small steps towards achieving your overall aim. We avoid talking about what might be holding you back, instead we focus on what you need to do next. Taking one small step generates a feeling of achievement, helping to motivate you to take the next step, and the next, so you feel enthused, energised and uplifted. Hypnotherapy can help you become motivated by helping you to understand the reasons you want to achieve certain goals and then help you to identify ways to achieving these goals, rather than dwelling on what is holding you back. We instead help you to put one small step at a time in place to reach your goals, allowing you to experience a sense of achievement and positive self-belief.

What is insomnia?
Many people suffer from poor sleep or a form of insomnia at some point in their lives and this can include struggling to get to sleep, wakeful periods in the night or waking up too early in the morning. Regular periods of poor sleep can have consequences ranging from extreme tiredness; a lack of concentration and motivation; mood swings and a reduced ability to function normally and cope with everyday stresses. It is during our sleep that our body is both physically and mentally restored and replenished and during REM sleep (Rapid Eye Movement), positive hormones such as serotonin and dopamine (which make you feel good about yourself) are produced.
How can hypnotherapy help?
Hypnotherapy can help those suffering with insomnia by helping to identify the underlying problem, which is often anxiety, caused by varying worries in their lives. Having identified the underlying anxiety, hypnotherapy can then help sleep sufferers identify positive solutions and take positive steps to reduce the anxiety, which is inhibiting restful sleep.

What is confidence?
Confidence is a belief in yourself to succeed on many levels and it comes from within us. If we are lacking self-belief and confidence in ourselves to successfully perform and achieve in our relationships, work and other areas of our lives (and remember even the most successful people lack confidence at times) this will have a detrimental effect on the fulfilment and enjoyment of our lives.
How can hypnotherapy help?
Hypnotherapy can help you become more confident by helping you to focus on your strengths and abilities and help you to identify your understanding of what it is to be a confident person and what small steps need to be put in place to get there. Building on each successful outcome, we help you to recognise your increased ability to operate confidently with others in different environments.

Managing your weight.
Although you know what to do to maintain the ideal weight for you, why is it that you find it so difficult to do a lot of the time? There could be various reasons for this. It could be that you have poor self-esteem and lack the motivation to make changes or you haven’t got time to prepare good food or exercise or are struggling to break certain habits that hold you back. These can include putting too much on your plate and feeling the need to eat everything in front of you.
How can hypnotherapy help?
Firstly, to lose weight it’s important to recognise that Hypnotherapy does not provide a ‘quick-fix solution’ - you won’t be successful in losing weight unless you are committed to making changes in your diet and making time to exercise - but hypnotherapy will give you the motivation to make these changes. Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can help you identify and deal with the underlying issues that might be stopping you from making the next changes to lose weight and help maintain your ideal weight.

What is a phobia?
Phobias are fears (often irrational and extreme) of something or someone and they can vary from person to person. They can range from a fear of water, boats, heights, dogs, snakes, blood, needles and many more. Where you can avoid them, they can refrain from being a problem but some common phobias such as a fear of spiders can be debilitating, especially at certain times of the year. A phobia is an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something. If your phobia is linked with something you can easily avoid, it is rarely a problem. But if you have a fear of birds, you’re going to find it difficult to walk anywhere where there are plenty of people-friendly pigeons or seagulls. If you have a fear of flying, visiting grandchildren in Australia is out of the question. If you have a fear of spiders, Autumn is a nightmare. There are over 2,000 named phobias and include: fear of the natural environment (lightning, water, trees), fear of animals (snakes, rats, wasps, spiders), medical fears (needles, blood, vomiting) and fear in situations (crossing bridges, heights, boats).
How can hypnotherapy help?
Phobias are created by a negative experience in our past which is then stored in our sub-conscious mind. Hypnotherapy can help you by removing the negative template and replacing it with a positive template that helps you to respond in a manner you would want to, in any given situation.

Blood pressure
What is high blood pressure?
Your blood pressure varies during the course of the day and the changes in your blood pressure will be influenced by your physical and emotional state. If it stays too high for too long, high blood pressure (Hypertension) can be very detrimental to your health and accounts for 20-25% of all deaths throughout the world. There are many causes that are attributed to high blood pressure, such as smoking, poor diet, lack of exercise, being overweight and stress.
How can hypnotherapy help?
Hypnotherapy can help you to find ways of coping and dealing with underlying emotional and physical stresses in your life that can contribute to high blood pressure. Hypnotherapy can also give you the motivation to change unhealthy lifestyle choices by losing weight and eating healthily, exercising more regularly and giving up smoking.